
March '12 - so far

We were blessed with the help of my mother, who took time off to come help us with the kids while we moved in and got things settled. It was a busy couple days but our place looks more like a home instead of a box landfill.

We've been getting to know our new town, checking in to a local church last Sunday, dining at a couple local eateries, and enjoying the ridiculously nice weather we're having!

Too grown
Can you tell how she feels about hats?
My family
Here is a sneak peek of our new home now that things are a bit settled:
Living room into the dining room
Dining room
Dining room looking at the kitchen
Playroom / Sunroom
And here is little Ham at 1 month:

Baby wearing dad



  1. New baby AND new house... you are BUSY woman!! House looks lovely, and little man at 1 month, what a doll baby!! xo!

    1. That is the only way to do it! Get super busy all at once so once everything settles down it really feels relaxing!

      P.S. I have a very cute shot of little man in his Buggs to show you.


I love hearing from you so leave me a note!

Rachel Anne

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