
A little me time

It's 2 am and to carve out a little me time, I've been up since 11, working on my project, roaming the internet and just vegging out.  I should be in bed and I'm sure I'll regret staying up so late later today but right now...this feels too good.

The house is quiet, Bird has already woken up for her night feeding and gone quickly back to bed, and T is asleep in our room.  I can't explain how these past quiet hours have felt, except that they are too few and far between.

Don't get me wrong, I love taking care of my family.  I would gladly give up all my me time to hang out with those two 24/7.  I mean it.  But sometimes it is nice to just take a minute, or hour, and remember yourself.  Just to be by yourself.

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Rachel Anne

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