
WOW savings

My husband likes to play World of Warcraft. "Likes" might be an understatement, but he generally enjoys that time he spends in the "World" and I can't fault him for that.

For those of you unfamiliar with this game/way of life, its a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, where thousands of people play as trolls, gnomes, upright cattle and other characters of the like. Its also costly, and some how even with the cutbacks around here, this still makes it in the budget, or spending plan as we've now chosen to call it.

A while back, T purchased a six month subscription with some money he had lying around. There is a discount of almost a month's cost by paying for six months up front, so I was all for it.

We talked about taking the WOW subscription line item out of our spending plan since he was already paid up. Instead, I secretly (at first, the cat is out of the bag now and he is proud of my mischief!) decided to squirrel away the monthly subscription cost to a savings account for T so every six months he can buy a subscription and we earn a bit of interest on the money. Plus at the end of six months, with the discounted six month subscription, he'll already have a months head start on the savings for the next subscription renewal. Zing!

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Rachel Anne

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