

  • We have had one car for just over a month now, after turning in the Jetta we leased in 2007. I'm proud to say we haven't had any real issues with car sharing so far. T and I have anticipated the inconvenience of having to share, waiting for the other person to get home or to come pick us up and realized that its worth it to have lower expenses at this time.
  • The decision has been made that I will not be returning to work at my old job. The logistics of getting there with one car, the hours and most importantly, the cost of daycare for Bird if I were to return was just getting to be too much. I will miss the staff and the folks that we served there, but for now, this is what's best for my family.
  • I will start a new part time job in the evenings/weekends next Monday! I am so excited for this opportunity and what this means for our little family. T and I know that we won't get to see each other as much as we're used to, but with me working part time, we won't have to put Bird in daycare because one of us will be able to be with her at all times. As a bonus, I'm going to meet lots of new people and have a chance to get out of the house
  • Bird is getting so big and I can't believe its been over 2 months since she was born. She's met all of her uncles, her aunt, and her grandmas and grandpas now and a lot of our friends but there are still more that haven't seen her yet. We're all finally getting into a rhythm, and sleep for the most part has returned to a new normal. I love spending my days with Bird, going for walks, playing, getting smiles and waiting for T to come in the door when he gets home from work.

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Rachel Anne

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