
Measuring up - August 1st

I know I'm a bit behind and with good reason. T and I took a much needed vacation this past weekend, camping up in N. MI! It was gorgeous and we got to spend some good quality time with each other, minus the Internets and other distractions.

Finances pause for no one though so here is my monthly wrap up:

We were on track to have 24% of our debt paid off by the end of July...and we bested ourselves and are at 27%! This might be one of the last months we're able to beat our forecast due the snowflakes being redirected for wedding expenses, but it still feels really good to see these numbers really moving!

Here are the new CC utilization percents, as they have been updated over on the side:
Card #1 - $2,727.79/$6,200 - 44%
Card #2 - $4,090.65/$6,500 - 63% (this one is going nowhere fast - 0% offer)
Card #3 - $1,519.26/$2,500 - 61%
Card #4 - $1,706.21/$2,000 - 85%
Paid vs. Total - $3,645.42/$13,689.33 - 27% of the way to CC debt elimination!

Tomorrow, I'll let you know how we did with our goals for July and our new goals for August!

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Rachel Anne

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