
Mom fail

Today I'm feeling like the worst Mom ever. I'm writing this down so I can use it as a reminder next time I get frustrated with my children that things will get better.

It all started with being overly prepared to go on an outing this morning. I should have known. I had the bag packed, both kids ready to go on time and we arrived at the state office right on time. Only to find out they don't handle what I need taken care of. Mood already soured, the babes could obviously do nothing right (so sarcastic) from Ham crying cause he was wet and hungry to Bird crying because she was "stuck" in her jacket or her snack was all gone. After a good 30 minutes in the parking lot satisfying them one after the other, over and over, we finally made our way home.

Ham went down for his nap like clockwork and then Bird proceeded to get into everything and anything I've ever told her not to touch. There were tears and let's just say my tone was mostly stern this morning.

The reason I feel so badly is that I know I'm losing my temper over the littlest things. My children are good children. But they are just children. Sometimes I expect Bird to act like an adult or at least a 10 year old and I have to remember she is only 2. I wish my little Ham would take a pacifier but I know that I'm supposed to just do all I can to make him happy. I have been trusted with these souls for but a short time and I muck it up from time to time but I am trying. Deep breaths are what I forget about first. Kind words and tone quickly escape me. I am praying that they don't as easily in the future.

Here's to nap time and a better afternoon.

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Rachel Anne

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