
Girl time

I have been missing my oldest girlfriends like crazy lately. There is nothing like a little girl chat, phone calls, coffee dates, or just hanging around doing nothing. Lucky for me, even though my oldest and dearest are far from me, I have a new and fun crop of soon to be besties close by to hang out with (not that you guys can ever be replaced!) Last week I was blessed with three days/nights of girlfriend time.

First I got to go hang with Andrea and her two little ones, Evan + Charlie, while she was taking care of our friend Morgan's son, Rainier. The boys are older, 3 (E) + 2.5 (R) , and were just a riot, while Andrea's little girl (C) and Bird, both 13 months, just played and smiled all the while trying to climb the stairs. We had a mini photo shoot with Bird as the model for some of Andrea's hair accessories, had some lunch and talked Etsy biz.

The next day Morgan (who is also my neighbor from down the street) and Rainier came over, along with Kelly and Savannah and we had more girl time/playdate. Savannah held her own with the two walkers and Morgan, Kelly and I enjoyed pizza and more chats. Morgan stayed for the afternoon, laying Rainier down for a nap and commenced showing me how to knit. I was a pretty good student and Bird enjoyed taking all the spare needles we weren't using at the time out of Morgan's case and playing with them (don't worry, we were watching her, Mom!) T was home and the 5 of us sat down to some quesadillas for dinner. Around 730, they took off to pick up Morgan's husband. It all reminded me of the times during college where me and my friends would just hang out for 8+ hours some days, watching movies, eating, talking, etc...but this time with kids.

My last girl event for the week was a “Celebrate New Beginnings” dinner for our friend Courtney. She got together a great group of women (12) and we descended on Anita's in Ferndale with our appetites. The food was great, and I enjoyed meeting some new people. After that, 7 of us went to a local comedy club where we saw Ian Bagg. So, he wasn't exactly PC, but I haven't laughed that much, consistently, to the point where my face and my throat hurt in a long time. It was a mix of the comedian being very quick on his feet and the specific crowd that showed up that evening. p.s. Word of advice, never sit in the front row of a comedy show if you don't want to be asked questions/aren't going to participate.

Keep 'em coming, Lord. Girl times like these keep me from making T watch too many rom coms on Friday night.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is like a good girls night, right? It was and always is a blast hanging out with you. I also am excited about our new friendship! And our etsy kindred spirits!


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Rachel Anne

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