
List shopping and tonight's activities

Just a quick update on my efforts to shop from a list:

I have decided to keep a running list of things I want, mainly clothes, in Google Notebook. As promised, the list is full of prices and colors and store names and is constantly being updated as I find sales and my tastes changed.

The listing process has really helped me to stay focused on my spending goals because it showcases how much I really want and makes me think through purchases instead of just buying and hoping it all works out in the end. Also, it makes me track certain items that I want and check for alternatives and possible sales. For instance, I had 3 shirts on my list that I wanted and was ready to buy when I found them...but I have since waited a week or so and now they are on sale (BOGO) and one is not in my size, which means I can get the 2 I want and they have for much less than the 3 I originally wanted or even 2 at their original prices!

Which brings me to tonight's activities. This evening while T is hanging with the boys, I think I might make some online purchases (the aforementioned shirts). Another thing I always think about doing periodically is de-clutter the house some more, so I think I'll tackle that as well (mainly the office/study). I tend to get in the zone when I de-clutter so its best when I do it while I'm home alone so I'm not ignoring T.

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Rachel Anne

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